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Home > Corporate News > “Fragrance Ink Depicts NMS, Light and Shadow Towards the Future” – The Second Calligraphy, Painting, and Photography Exhibition by NMS

“Fragrance Ink Depicts NMS, Light and Shadow Towards the Future” – The Second Calligraphy, Painting, and Photography Exhibition by NMS


To further promote the construction of the “Model of Happy Enterprises” and enrich the corporate cultural life of all employees of NMS, showcasing the artistic charm of calligraphy, fine arts, and photography, enhancing employees’ artistic accomplishment and aesthetic taste, while providing a platform for calligraphy, painting, and photography enthusiasts to demonstrate their self-worth, and inspiring employees of the enterprise to be diligent and forge ahead, the Second “Fragrance Ink Depicts NMS, Light and Shadow Towards the Future” Calligraphy, Painting, and Photography Exhibition, as well as specialized lectures on calligraphy, painting, and photography knowledge, were successfully held on January 25th-26th at NMS.

This event is part of the 2023 NMS’s roadmap for the construction of a happy enterprise. It aimed to collect outstanding calligraphy, painting, and photography works from all employees, resulting in the gathering of over a hundred artistic pieces from 65 enthusiasts in these fields for a centralized exhibition. Through this exhibition, the excellent cultural and artistic achievements of the enterprise were showcased to the employees. Each piece of calligraphy, painting, and photography vividly portrayed the magnificent aspects of NMS as perceived and felt by the employees, silently expressing their hopeful expectations for the bright future of the company.








Enterprise Employees Pause to Admire Exhibition Pieces

On the afternoon of January 25th, a specialized lecture on calligraphy, painting, and photography knowledge was held, with Shunshan Li , Chairman of NMS, delivering the keynote speech as a special guest. He briefly recounted his own experience with calligraphy and emphasized that nurturing artistic spirit cultivates humanistic values, which in turn helps enhance employees’ creativity. Under the theme “Cultivating through Culture, Nurturing in Silence,” this event marks another vibrant practice in NMS’s endeavor to build a “Model of Happy Enterprises.“ It aims to further elevate employees’ aesthetic standards, enrich their artistic cultivation, enhance their comprehensive qualities, continuously stimulate their intrinsic motivation, and provide sustained support for the high-quality development of the enterprise.

Chairman Shunshan Li of NMS Delivers Speech at the Event

The lecture featured guest speakers including Suping Wan, a member of the China Photographers Association and the Jiangxi Provincial Photographers Association, as well as a director of the Nanchang Photography Association and vice president of the Nanchang Art Photography Society. Additionally, Jinlong Gu, a member of the China Calligraphy Art Academy and the Nanchang Artists Association, as well as a member of the Nanchang Calligraphers Association, served as a lecturer.

Teacher Suping Wan, drawing from her extensive photography experience and knowledge, presented fundamental photography concepts, basic techniques for using cameras and smartphones, composition principles, and other theoretical knowledge. She also provided feedback on photographs submitted by employees, addressing questions from the audience regarding differences in various smartphone camera modes, night photography, and more.Teacher Jinlong Gu began his presentation with a brief history of calligraphy, explaining different styles of calligraphy and emphasizing techniques used in traditional Chinese painting. He also conducted an on-site demonstration of writing the Chinese character “福” (fortune), allowing the audience to experience the charm of calligraphy firsthand by personally wielding the brush.Throughout the lecture, participants engaged in lively interactions with the speakers, gaining valuable insights and experiences.

After the lecture, Teacher Jinlong Gu continued to interact with the participants by inscribing on handheld fans. He also invited the first prize winner of the calligraphy competition to demonstrate their skills by writing couplets and the Chinese character “福“ (fortune) on the spot, showcasing their individual talents. The event was well-received by the employees of the company.” (By Xiaohan Liu)

Calligraphy Teacher Writes Inscriptions on Handheld Fans for Employees

The First Prize Winner of Corporate Calligraphy Competition Writes Couplets for Everyone

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