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NMS Visited by Mineral Resources Development and Management Training Class from Chad in Africa


On April 12, NMS was visited by 27 members of Chad’s Mineral Resources Development and Management Training Class from Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies.

The visiting training class mainly consisted of officials from the Ministry of Mining and Geology from Chad, led by Abdulkerim Hassan Idris, the director of this ministry. The Republic of Chad is a landlocked country in central Africa, most of whose land belongs to desert climate. It is rich in mineral resources. The main mineral reserves include petroleum, trona, limestone, kaolin, tungsten, tin, copper, nickel, chromium, uranium, and gold. etc., but most of them have not yet been mined.

The training class visited NMS’ exhibition hall, production workshop, laboratory, intelligent operation and maintenance center. Employees of NMS introduced to the guests the company overview, company development history, business scope and project cases, etc., and expressed their expectation of establishing a partnership with Chad.

The exchange session was active. Members of the training class expressed their opinions and their gratitude to NMS for its warm hospitality, and thought highly of NMS’ strength, scientific research and management. They also proposed a series of questions, such as the requirement of various separators processing diverse ores. Whether equipment and spare parts of NMS should be standardized or customized? What are the requirements of establishing branches abroad for NMS? Whether NMS can provide full services from mining to finish product output?

Sun Jidong, deputy general manager of the Mining Department of NMS, received the visiting training class and answered questions one by one. He pointed out that NMS had rich products and complete series, and could provide standard supporting solutions and customized services to tailor solutions for customers. In the early stage of project planning, based on the rock ore abrasion index tester, rock ore crushing index tester and FlowSheet Designer process design software independently developed by NMS, the technological process can be simulated to provide an important basis for equipment selection and process flow design and to boost production process optimization and to increase production efficiency. NMS provides crushers, screens, separators and installation&debugging services, etc. NMS has the R&D, design and other supporting capabilities for the overall production line. Its subsidiary NMS Engineering Co., Ltd has a professional project construction and operation management team. NMS can provide professional and comprehensive supporting services to help Chad mine mineral resources. He expressed the expectation that cooperation with Chad in the mining field could be established as soon as possible to make Chad become a new area for NMS’ important overseas business layout. (Liu Xiaohan)

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