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Home > Corporate News > NMS’ Plan for Capital Increase of ¥12, 000,000 in the Swedish Mining Crushing Technology R&D Center Project

NMS’ Plan for Capital Increase of ¥12, 000,000 in the Swedish Mining Crushing Technology R&D Center Project


Recently, the Jiangxi Province Development and Reform Commission issued the “Notice on Approving the Project Record-keeping of NMS’ Capital Increase in the Swedish Mining Crushing Technology R&D Center Project”. The notice indicated that Nanchang Mineral Systems Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “NMS”) would increase its investment in the Swedish Mining Crushing Technology R&D Center. The project would be keeping record in accordance with the “Jiangxi Province Enterprise Overseas Investment Management Measures” (Gan Fa Gai Foreign Investment [2018] No. 565).

In 2019, NMS established a mining crushing technology R&D center in Lund, Sweden to conduct technology development research on new-generation cone crushers, such as crusher operation evaluation, DEM simulation, advanced chamber design and 3D scanning of worn bushings.

NMS’ mining crushing technology R&D center in Swedish

NMS planned to increase its investment in the Swedish R&D center by US$167,1300 (¥12, 000,000), including two core R&D personnel with a three-year salary of US$900,000 (basic salary of US$100,000 per year for a person, social security and personal income tax US$50,000 per year for a person), US$100,000 for rent, broadband and other office expenses, US$500,000 for office supplies and testing fees, etc., US$100,000 for travel expenses, and US$71,300 for other expenses.

The implementation of this project is expected to further shorten product R&D time, to greatly improve crushing equipment, to increase product production efficiency, to research remote monitoring, to customize products for customers, and to provide high-grade and high-level services for a boost for the implementation of the five brand strategies which are “Technology NMS” “Globe NMS”, “Quality NMS”, “Service NMS” and “Benefit NMS”. (Liu Xiaohan)

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